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2019 Capricorn Horoscope

These are only brief sun sign horoscopes it does not take into account your moon, venus, mars, self/relationsip, career or destiny points. You would need a personal reading to determine that. There could also be decisions or effects from last year that will manifest this year. For example, Megan Markle is a Leo, however her self (ascendant) sign is cancer and her relationship point is Capricorn. Last year, there was a solar eclipse and the north node on her sun sign in Jan. 2018 indicating a big year for her (she married in May). There was a solar eclipse in July 2018 which is probably when she conceived or within a month or 2 of that. There will be a lunar eclipse in July 2019 that will wrap up events from the solar eclipse in July 2018, hence a royal baby on the way.

Another example is Brad Pitt, he is a Sag. In 2005, Pluto was on his sun. There were big changes ahead for him. Circumstances and relationships were going to end but it was a path to a new beginning. His marriage ended to Aniston and he began a relationship with Jolie. Saturn was also going over his Venus sign indicating there would be hard times in his marriage/relationship and if it wasn’t strong it wouldn’t withstand the hardship. Oddly enough, when Brad married Jolie there were no major eclipses or transits, probably because they had already been living as a married couple. But when Pitt married Jennifer in July 2000 there was an eclipse on his Venus and the nodes were going over it as well which tells the astrologer significant changes for his love life. By March 2017, Saturn was going over Pitt’s Sun indicating another life changing year. Some decisions could be made that will change the direction of his life. At this time, he was in the middle of divorce proceedings.

I gave these examples so you could see that there are so many other points in your chart that could be impacted that could have life changing effects. The only way you would know is to look at your birth chart or have an astrologer look at yours specifically. The interpretations below are just for SUN SIGNS ONLY. I’m almost positive if it says there are no major events for you this year for your sun sign, if you get a chart it will be lit up with other things going on. Look at the dates you were born and read that passage. The passages before indicates what you already experienced for that sign or if it’s after, it will come next year. If you know your Ascendant or Moon sign, I encourage you to read those signs as well. Call me or email me for more information.

Capricorn (Depending on the year you were born the starting dates can fluctuate within a day or two)

Dec 22-Dec 28

Last year was challenging but rewarding. It was a time you may have felt restricted your life but it a new beginning. Your efforts would have been successful or you would have realized things were failing or not going the way you hoped they would. It could have been full of responsibility and hard work. It required patience for you to get through. You may have felt constricted and alone. It was a tearing down and rebuilding process of your love life, job, money or health.

This year starting in March, there are energies that is helping you to make creative changes. This may cause you to have to think of new ideas and plans and have new experiences. You have the opportunity to use this creative energy to rebuild your life, to move forward with goals. After the struggles, you may feel free to do what you want with no worries about anyone or anything else. Late in this year, there will be growth and positivity to the new endeavors you are embarking on. Remember Venus your love planet could be affected causing issues for your love life or depending on the day and time you were born, your Moon sign could be impacted causing changes with family, home, or mother. There are other planets and points in a chart that could be greatly impacted that is why it is important to get a personal horoscope to find out more.

Dec 29-Jan. 3

Last year into early this year may have also been challenging. It was a time you may have felt restricted your life but it created a new beginning. Your efforts would have been successful or you would have realized things were failing or not going the way you hoped they would and you had some tough decisions to make. It could have been full of responsibility and hard work. It required patience for you to get through. You may have felt constricted and alone. It was a tearing down and rebuilding process of your love life, job, money or health. Things should start subsiding and you will start to feel more settled or comfortable with the decisions you have made.

Jan. 3-12

There was a solar eclipse earlier this year bringing in new energy and new opportunities. These opportunities may not have come in the way you expect, it may require a lot from you to accomplish these goals but it is doors opening for you. This will begin a time for you that may feel restricted in your life but it does indicate a new beginning and can be a rewarding process. For example, may you decided to go back to college, you won’t have much time for friends, hanging out, or socializing. You will have to have better time management, you may experience sleep deprivation but getting that degree will be well worth it. Your efforts can be successful or you may realize things are failing or not going the way you hoped they would and it would require to make some adjustments. You will be full of responsibility and hard work. It is going to require patience for you to get through as you may not see the fruits of your labor right away. You could feel constricted or alone. There will be limitations for you but it’s all for your good.

For those you born Jan. 8 to Jan 13 this will include a time of great changes. Those born earlier in Capricorn season would have already experienced this and is coming out of it. This will be a time of hard work to accomplish your goals. There will be an elimination process in your life. Things or people that you have outgrown will have to go. You old way of viewing life, people and situations will drastically change. You can also be an agent of change to help remove old structures and beliefs that no longer suit you, your company, family, community or whatever area or project your focused on. With the help of the energies above, structures will be torn down and rebuilt. There can be power struggles, issues with authorities or you can be empowered or become the authority figure, it all depends on how you use the energies and opportunities that is presented to you.

If you use the energies negatively it can be destructive or if you don’t use the energy to make the necessary changes it can be destructive. Listen to the universe and take the necessary steps if not the steps will be made for you and it could have unpleasant results. You will have to face some tough things about yourself and your life. You will have to make some hard choices but you will be a new person and can have an even more meaningful, refreshing life after all is said and done. You will lose people, things and situations. Some will be in your control others will be out of your control. It’s how you handle the letting go process that will determine the strength of your character.

Jan 13-17

No major issues this year for your sun sign this year. Venus your love planet could be affected causing issues for your love life or depending on the day and time you were born, your Moon sign could be impacted causing changes with family, home, or mother. There are other planets and points in a chart that could be greatly impacted that is why it is important to get a personal horoscope to find out more.

Jan. 17-19

This could be a time where unexpected events will test your ability to withstand change and stay on course. This has been going on for some time now. This is a time where you may question your plans or desires. You may recognize that there is an obstacle preventing you from doing what you set out to do and you may have to break free from that whether it is a job, relationship, friends, etc. Things can be disruptive or unexpected you just have to withstand the obstacles to obtain to success you are seeking. Pay attention to you health. This energy is all about being free and being free to express yourself. If you are not doing that and suppressing that energy it could manifest itself through the body. It is important for you to take heed to the changes and circumstances that need changing or revitalized. What you do now will determine how hard or easy next year will be.

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