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Total Solar Eclipse July 2019

There are series in eclipses and they tell an “eclipse story.” These narratives unfold over the series of an eclipse, there was a partial solar eclipse in Cancer on July 13, 2018 which was a big deal because it was the first lunation in a brand-new series. It was the first chapter of a new karmic story. Think back to what occurred in your life at this time and consider the major players, conflicts, and the location.

Solar eclipses, which will occur in 2019 on July 2 and December 26, which corresponds with new beginnings and unexpected opportunities. These are fated new beginnings to push us forward. The eclipse is in cancer which is about home, family, feelings, emotions, etc. This is about new emotional chapters, getting your emotional needs met. It’s about feeding or nurturing things that will carry you into the future. This is because the solar eclipse is with the north node. It’s important to get clear about your feelings and priorities, what’s important to you. It’s telling you to follow what feels right, follow your heart and honor your feelings.

This eclipse is in a cardinal sign so it will want to initiate, things may not manifest right away and there are reasons for this I will explain in a minute. This solar eclipse may start with you making an internal shift which is not typical of a solar eclipse, usually the lunar eclipse is about internal changes but since the moon rules cancer there is that internal shift that will need to happen before it happens outwardly.

With this solar eclipse there is a lot happening. One of the major things is Saturn is opposed this eclipse conjunct the south node. This indicates that things may not manifest right away, there may be a delay or blockage somewhere before things can move forward but they are going to move forward. Saturn is about the past, karma, reaping what you’ve sown. So there will be a lot of that stuff going on. There may be things you are clinging whether it is people, situations or thought processes that you need to let go of before you can start this new journey. It’s important to do the work. This is telling us to hang in there for up to another 6 months, if you do you will be rewarded and there will be a fresh start and there will be happiness. There is another solar eclipse in December so usually things will happen before that time.

Another reason there will be a delay is because Mercury is going to go retrograde July 7th. This means to review, reevaluate, reconsider so you can’t make a decision just yet. May have to wait until Mercury goes direct at the end of July or when Saturn goes direct in the middle of August. It’s interesting because Mercury was coming to a square with Uranus which would indicate a hasty decision. If Uranus in early Taurus is hitting you directly you will definitely have a urge to jump out and do something new. But wait just a little longer to think things through,

The other factor is Mars is also in Leo, coming to a square with Uranus, these two can indicate a break of some sort, a break up, break down or breaking something. This signals change, liberation, freedom, something budges that you may not have thought would budge. If Uranus is hitting you right now be careful, slow down, this causes accidents, it’s a lot of energy. Uranus is widely sextile the eclipse so that is why I’m including this.

If we consider Saturn opposition, we can also consider Neptune trine the solar eclipse. This is again about going within, this is spiritual, it’s about retreating.

Happy Solar Eclipse everyone!!!


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